Istražite dubine čuda | Bazilika cisterna u Istanbulu

Mjesto Okupljanja za Turu Cisterna Bazilike

  • Pridružite se svom vodiču na određenom mjestu okupljanja ispred Busforus Sultanahmet (Stari Grad) za nesmetan početak vašeg tura.
  • Potražite našeg vodiča s zastavom Istanbul E-pass u dogovoreno vrijeme i na dogovorenom mjestu.
  • Zaustavljanje Busforus Stari Grad, smješteno nasuprot Aja Sofije, lako je prepoznati po svojim crvenim dvokatnim autobusima.

Istaknute Točke Ture Cisterna Bazilike

  • Preskočite duge redove i uronite u veliku staru vodenu cisternu koja sadrži dvije poznate Meduzine glave.
  • Produbite svoje spoznaje o ovoj cisterni veličine katedrale uz informativnu vođenu turu na engleskom jeziku.
  • Oduševite se potopljenim palačama i istražite kolosalno umjetno jezero slatke vode, veličine dva nogometna terena. Otkrijte filmsku povijest cisterni, koja je bila pozadina u omiljenim filmovima o Jamesu Bondu.


  • Ulaznica za Cisterna Baziliku. Preskočite red za karte za brzi ulaz.
  • 20-minutna tura koju vodi profesionalni vodič koji govori engleski.

Ne uključuje:

  • Obroci nisu uključeni u paket.
  • Transferi iz/do hotela nisu uključeni u ovu ponudu.

Podzemna Dragocjenost Istanbula

Uronite u povijest Istanbula u Cisterna Bazilici, čudo iz 6. stoljeća skriveno ispod užurbanih ulica grada. Divite se 336 složenih stupova, svaki od njih priča priče iz bizantske ere. Predstavljena u filmovima i ispunjena misterijom, ova podzemna dragocjenost poziva vas da istražite njezine očaravajuće dubine. Uživajte u bezvremenskom šarmu Cisterna Bazilike, gdje se drevna arhitektura susreće s umjetničkom veličinom. Otkrijte skrivenu dragocjenost Istanbula i vratite se u prošlost na ovoj ikoničnoj atrakciji.

The Basilica Cistern is an underground water storage system constructed during the 6th century under the reign of Emperor Justinian I. It supplied water to the nearby Great Palace of Constantinople and other significant structures, showcasing ancient engineering marvels.

Certainly, Basilica Cistern guided tour tickets are available for purchase with English Speaking guide.

Yes, with your Basilica Cistern ticket with tour, you can skip the queues and enjoy priority access.

We recommend buying Basilica Cistern tickets online for a time-saving and cost-effective option. Online bookings often offer great discounts and allow you to secure your spot in advance.

The Basilica Cistern boasts captivating features including extensive colonnades, dimly-lit interiors, the Medusa Heads, and the Weeping Column, each accompanied by intriguing legends and stories.

If you're traveling from Taksim, take the F1 funicular to Kabatas, then board the T1 tram to Sultanahmet station, a short 2-minute walk from the cistern. Various bus options and Marmaray lines also provide access.

The Basilica Cistern is open daily from 9 AM to 7 PM year-round.

While the cistern provides accessibility features, visitors on wheelchairs should exercise caution due to the damp and slippery conditions inside the underground chamber.

Yes, photography is permitted in the Basilica Cistern, but please refrain from using tripods or commercial equipment that may disrupt other visitors.

Yes, purchasing Basilica Cistern tickets in advance is advisable, as it has become a popular tourist destination in Istanbul. Its historical significance, dating back to Emperor Justinian I's reign, and the fascinating underground space make it a must-visit attraction. Buying tickets ahead of time ensures a seamless experience and helps avoid long queues.